services: Our Solutions to the needs of Multinational companies:

The advantage of monitoring the expatriate’s integration:
Studies show that 30% of expatriates end up in depression. Adaptation is not innate; it is an effort. We also know that the first year is the most delicate and “dangerous” for the expatriate.
The goal of the coaching sessions is to minimize the risk of failure which is very important in the first year.
The failure of an expatriation is difficult to bear on a psychological level for the expatriate or the family member concerned and financially for the company.
Coaching sessions help to untie knots of misunderstanding, explain misunderstandings and misinterpretations, explain different behaviors or ways of thinking for expatriates, reduce levels of frustration and anger, and decode misunderstandings.
In too many cases, companies call in a specialist when one of the expatriates is already affected and is in a distressing situation. Coaching can anticipate these situations and allow the expatriate to better experience the adaptation process.
- To address the concerns and doubts related to the expatriate’s personal and professional life.
- Enable the expatriate to better understand the new rules of the game in his new environment.
- Enable the expatriate to better and more quickly integrate into his new cultural environment on a personal and professional level.
- Reduce the risk of expatriation failure.
- Visualize as quickly as possible the expatriates or one of their family members in a situation of stress or distress.
- Allow the company to have better control and visibility of their expatriates.
Essence of Cultural Team Building:
The Team Building proposed by OLIVIER SOUMAH-MIS allows all members of the multicultural team to understand their differences in personality as well as in culture and to transform these differences into strength and not into sources of problems.
1- Intercultural management: 80% of our cultural differences are unconscious. These imperceptible differences are the ones that generate misunderstandings, frustrations, anger, misinterpretations and consequently hinder efficiency, communication, results, motivation and much more, in bi or multicultural teams. Our mission is to make team members aware of these differences and to transform them into a strength and not into a source of weaknesses, problems, as it is in many cases.
2- Management / Leadership: Our mission is also to accompany managers in order to improve and optimize their management and leadership skills in order to better lead their own teams in a multicultural context.
In both cases, our psychometric tools, seminars, and coaching sessions allow for profound changes in behaviors, attitudes, acceptance of different ways of thinking and seeing situations. Differences enrich.
Objectives of Cultural Team Building:
- Understand each other to work better together.
- To make interpersonal relations more fluid.
- Improve team efficiency.
- Improve teamwork.
- Explain misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
Essence of the seminar:
Prepare newcomers to their expatriation country for a better integration. For expatriates it is very important to understand the new environment in which they will live and work with their families.
This seminar allows managers and their families to integrate faster and better into the local culture.
Objectives of the seminar:
- Allow foreign managers to better understand their local colleagues.
- Improve relationships between them.
- To know and understand local social customs.
- Better integrate into the subsidiary or headquarters.
- Reduce stress and frustration due to a lack of knowledge of local social rules.
- Improve the satisfaction of the stay in the host country for the expatriates.
What is it?
When companies send one of their managers on an expatriation assignment, they generally select him/her on purely professional criteria:
- His or her experience within the company.
- His/her knowledge of the product(s)/service(s).
- His results.
But does this candidate have the qualities and skills to be an expatriate? Being the company’s best salesperson in his or her home country does not guarantee that he or she will be an excellent salesperson in the country of expatriation, far from it. Companies rarely think about this.
The Cultural Assessment Center (CAC) allows us to identify among the selected and potential candidates, the one who has the best qualities and intercultural skills. The CAC helps answer the following questions:
- What is his or her international experience?
- Does he or she have the necessary adaptability?
- Will he or she be able to manage a team of locals?
- What type of leadership skills do they have?
- Is he or she tolerant, open-minded, curious?
- How does he/she handle stress?
- Is he or she tolerant of frustration?
- Does he/she have a real interest in the country of expatriation?
Studies show that 50 to 80% of mergers are failures, which represents billions of dollars in losses for the largest ones.
According to the studies, 30% of these failures are linked to cultural differences, both in terms of organizational and national cultures. Cultural differences in general are not part of the evaluation project.
Our job is to make people understand, accept, and respect each other. It is essential for mergers to create value for its shareholders and customers. We design and we accompany, implement, and explain the changes and adaptations between the two cultures that will have to collaborate as the adaptations of the organizational culture that will also be affected by the merger / acquisition