who we are?

We are a consulting firm in Cultural Intelligence. Globalization forces multinationals to have a global vision of their business but to know how to adapt, behave, negotiate, and sell on a local scale. Considering the cultural and specific realities of the local level is essential to succeed in different international markets.
Our strength lies in our global network of Intercultural Management specialists. The objective of THE CROSS CULTURAL CONSULTANTS NETWORK, which is located on 5 continents, is to accompany our clients in their efforts to adapt and understand the different markets and thus create global strategies that consider the cultural realities of each market.
In an ever more complex and constantly changing environment, our Cultural Intelligence consulting firm, Olivier Soumah-Mis, becomes an ally and an important asset in the daily life of the General Management for which we work and a valuable decision-making aid.
Our strength and difference:
We are a company that works in a network. Our network is global, the members of our network are the many highly qualified and specialized specialists on whom we rely on and who are located on the 5 continents and who allow us to provide original, global, and always very precise answers to the needs of the General Management for whom we work.

Our mission:
To accompany the General Management in the development of their activities by giving them a clear vision of their environment. Our role is to “simplify” perceptions and clarify the challenges of this globalized professional world with the sole purpose of facilitating professional decisions and establishing original and relevant development strategies.
Get to know the story of Olivier Soumah-Mis:
The development of cultural intelligence within organizations:
Cultural Intelligence is the art of knowing how to adapt to cultural differences in the business world. Customers, suppliers, associates, competitors, and employees have become globalized. It is becoming essential to know how to manage all these cultural differences. From one country to another, we do not negotiate in the same way, we do not manage Human Resources with the same criteria, we do not consume for the same reasons, we do not perceive a product with the same eyes.
The globalization of business makes managing a company internationally more complex, but the company that takes up the challenge of managing cultural differences will be stronger, more creative, and better adapted to the different cultural contexts in which it wants to develop.
We accompany the General Management in this process of adaptation to cultural differences.
We intervene at 3 levels within organizations:
Strategic level:
We assist the top management in choosing the target foreign markets for business development and create very detailed reports on how to enter these markets considering the cultural reality of each market. This implies that we explain the best way to enter, the time needed, the strategy to approach the key players in the market, the mistakes not to make, etc.
Organizational level:
Through an organizational audit that allows us to define the level of globalization of the company's DNA, thanks to our "Cultural Organizational Checkup" tool, we can have a panoramic view of the level of internationalization of each area. We analyze 11 dimensions for each area. With this precise and detailed report, we implement within the company the necessary modifications and changes to make it internally "Glocal".
Human resources level:
We prepare, train and coach your teams, managers, and executives to become successful leaders in a globalized business environment. It is fundamental that they have a vision of the international dimension of the company, the qualities, and the intercultural skills necessary to know how to act, adapt and be effective at the local level.
Our consultants/coaches in Mexico:

Alberto Limas
Cross cultural consultant for Olivier Soumah-Mis. Chinese culture specialist

Andreas Schoetz
Cross Cultural consultant/coach of Olivier Soumah-Mis. Specialist of German culture.

Isa Rojas
Cross Cultural consultant/coach of Olivier Soumah-Mis. Specialist of Arab-Muslim cultures.

Isabel Perez Kumar
Cross cultural consultant for Olivier Soumah-Mis. Indian culture specialist.

Sewon Lee.
Intercultural management consultant of Olivier Soumah-Mis. Specialist in korean culture.

Shinichi Hara
Intercultural management consultant of Olivier Soumah-Mis. Japanese Culture Specialist.